Peter has resided in Starrs Point near Port Williams with his wife Janet Muttart since 1970. Janet and Peter have 4 children. Two of them (and 4 grandkids) reside, with their families, in Starrs Point. One daughter resides in Maryland with her family; and one resides in Summerside, PE.
Peter’s record of employment includes:
- Founding partner of Muttarts law firm, Kentville 1969-2014
- Queen’s Counsel
His service to the community and recognitions received have included:
- Commissioner of Village of Port Williams
- Church Trustee
- Member of the Annapolis Valley Chapter of the Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia
- President of the Rotary Club of Kentville
- President of the Eastern Kings Chamber of Commerce
- Chairman of the V.O.N. Kings Branch
- Chair of a Municipal Community Economic Development Strategy Committee
- Chair of the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce
- Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- Director of the Council for Canadian Unity
- Chair of the Annapolis Valley Regional Enterprise Network
- Trained mediator
- Ranked for more than 15 years running by Martindale-Hubble international lawyer-ranking service as "BV Distinguished" (for an explanation of the ranking, go to:
- Awarded a merit award as a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow
- Volunteer award for activity with the local arts community
- Lifetime Achievement Award from the Eastern Kings Chamber of Commerce
- He had served 1.5 years as a Councillor (having been elected in a bi-election) and 4 years as Mayor of the Municipality until his re-election as Mayor in 2020.
Peter can be reached at 902-690-6132 and